(Tune – The Girl That I Marry, 6 verses)

1. The man that Deb mar-ries was quite a boy!
He ne-ver was dull so the name was Roy.
The sweet-est lit-tle guy,
With Dad’s greason his dia-pers and gleam in h;is eye.
2. The man that Deb mar-ries was-a buddy to me,
We worked and had fun out on Saa-fa-ri.
And-rev- o-lu-tion and U-hu-ru,
Da-vid saw, and he felt, and his mind grew.
And now with dear Deb-bie, ‘a most hap-py fell-la’ he’ll be.

3. To our bro-ther Da-vid a good-bye kiss,
Oh he and his Deb-bie we sure will miss.
When lthey; take off a-lone,
We will si-gh and cr-y with-out them at home .

4. We wish them the be-est in Ill-i-nois
With lau-ghter and mu-sic and hope and joy
With-out Bet-sy, with-out Gin-n;y
To be con-stant-ly keep-ing them bu-sy
So now as they mar-ry, we pray that they hap-py will be!

5. The girl that Dave mar-ries is kind and “cool”
You can ask Mis-ter Nun-ez at South-gate school
Or, ask her fam-i-ly
Ask Kris, Kev, Den, Pam; “J”, Sean, Claud, Steve or Ka-thy

6. The girl that Dave mar-ries can cook and sew
She’s ar-tis-tic wit-ty and “on-the-go”
But the main thing, why we love her
Is her Nat-ur-al-ness, THIS WE PRE-FER
Soto Deb-bie, Dave’s “bee-bie” it’s “wel-come, much love and whoo-pie!” 

Books by Roy D. Shafer MD
Shafari © 2018 
Roy's Letters from East Africa © 2022


Shafari In print
Roy's Letter From East Africa